Hey, this is Khary. Welcome to my lil’ corner of the galaxy.
Here are some examples of what I do
PC: Awa Mally at Walker Art Center
Audio Tracks
Dance Performance
Walker Art Center, 2018
Performance Poetry
"Any Psalm You Want" - published with Write Bloody Publishing
"Any Psalm You Want" - published with Write Bloody Publishing
I published this book with Write Bloody in 2013. I was a younger, different writer then. But I’m still proud of this book. I don’t know if I’ll do another full length poetry book anytime soon (or ever), so I’m grateful that this one exists. It’s still available on Write Bloody’s website, linked below.
“Don’t Tread On Me: A Century of Racism”
This was a collaborative project with MN Opera in 2020-21. I co-created this mini-opera with Kashimana Ahua and it features vocal performances by Kashimana, Allen Michael Jones and Victoria Korovljev.
Novel Excerpt: “The Mickey Orange Series, Book One: Keira’s Rise”
The summer of 2084 was less remarkable for its heat than its stealth, a movement growing in secret, a gradual rift whose heart seethed in Rockford, Illinois. The summer had been building for fifty years, hidden in the mild tremors of a still recovering world body. The constant tremors had become part of the day’s fabric; virtually nature. Most of the planet’s inhabitants were focused on the daily work of staying alive, in whatever ways they could. The same could be said of a few particularly gifted individuals in Rockford, except that this summer would not permit them to do so, not without cost. The tremoring body would soon move, then run, then sweat out every vestige of sheltering quiet, until it returned to the full throated cry of its beginning. None of them could recall the beginning. Some didn’t wish to, anyway. There was enough hurt in front of them to be concerned with that which lived in the marrow.